Insurance law / Civil liability

Insurance and liability law is omnipresent in the lives of companies or individuals, whether it comes to preventing a claim by creating safeguards against the risk or establishing liability in order to seek redress.

The various types of services in this area of the law can be instigated by the law firm, insured parties, insurers or insurance intermediaries.

LUSSAN assists or advises its clients on introducing new benefits (determining the risk, minimizing the chance of it happening, analysing the consistency of benefits), and audits existing insurance cover, either when renewing the contracts or during company takeovers/mergers and acquisitions.

Because it understands the demands facing companies and their manufacturing or service processes, LUSSAN’s work reflects the economic, financial and human costs.

LUSSAN’s litigation expertise is beyond doubt, covering the launch and management of valuation processes, liability proceedings and coverage implementation.

For our clients, this practical experience combines with the use of judicial or amicable strategies defined jointly with them.

The services we provide in the area of insurance and liability law are far-ranging:

  • Property and casualty insurance:
    • Machinery breakdown, fire, business interruption, etc.
    • Natural disasters
  • Liability
    • Latent defects insurance
    • Premises and operations liability
    • Directors’ and officers’ liability
    • Insurance intermediaries
    • Medical liability
  • Personal insurance
    • Life insurance and pension term assurance
    • Health insurance (accidents, sickness)
    • Group insurance
  • Insurance and public sector law (in close collaboration with Paul-Henri Job and the Public Sector Law Department)
    • Local authority liability
    • Public procurement insurance
  • Criminal law applied to insurance
    • Fraud, breach of trust, embezzlement
    • Board members’ liability
    • Civil liability for criminal acts
