Tax law


The Tax Department’s team comprises specialists with over thirty years’ experience in the area.

Its clients include large and medium-sized companies as well as individuals.



  • Income tax
  • Wealth tax
  • Inheritance tax, gift tax, stamp duty
  • Property taxation and stamp duty, real estate owned by foreign entities including trusts, commercial companies, pension funds and institutions
  • Taxation of company directors, executives and senior managers
  • Personal taxation and personal asset taxation
  • Optimized business and asset disposals


  • Direct company taxes (tax consolidation, corporation tax, land tax, value added-based contribution, salaries tax, etc.).
  • Indirect company taxes (stamp duty, value added tax, VAT refunds for foreign companies, etc.).
  • Specific schemes (fiscal approval, new companies, young innovative companies, etc.).
  • Social Security charges and contributions payable by companies (CSG, URSSAF, etc.).

All these areas can be covered with a full-service, bilingual approach: French–English and French–Spanish.

Our recent

  • Analyzing and managing resignations from inventor partnerships, with asset transfer and price payable proportional to future royalties,
  • Optimized free share transfer from a holding company of a group of companies, including one listed on EURONEXT,
  • Optimized sale of shares in a biology laboratory by the partner pharmacists,
  • Tax equalization of foreign assets,
  • Fiscal approval for a cross-border merger involving French companies and companies established in other EU Member States.